News Release



 海外における一部報道において、『Apple Town』2月号のBig Talkにおいて、反ユダヤ主義的な表現があり、カナダのユダヤコミュニティから批判を受け、Apple Town2月号を客室から撤去したと報じられていますが、この件に関して当社の見解を公表いたします。

 まず、月刊誌『Apple Town』は、海外ではアメリカのアパホテルフランチャイズ店およびカナダのCoast Hotelの直営6ホテルの客室に置いていました。2月号につきましては、2月に入り日本で3月号が発行されたため、北米地域において今回の批判と関係なく客室にはすでに置いていない状態にあります。


 また代表は、これまで歴代の駐日イスラエル大使と親交があり、大使には、Big Talkの対談やワインの会にご参加いただいたり、勝兵塾の講師をしていただいたりしてきました。さらに 代表は、2012年に、元駐日大使の招待でイスラエルを訪れ、ユダヤの誇りであり、イスラエルの建国の精神を象徴するマサダの砦で深い感銘を受けました。代表はユダヤの歴史や強い民族意識に対して敬意を払っており、例えば、Apple Town2012年3月号掲載の、イスラエルで行った観光局事務次官のノアズ・バール・ニール氏との対談の中で、「自らの国を自分達で守るという精神が息づいているイスラエルに学ぶことが多い」と語るなど、日本人はユダヤ人に学ぶべきだと啓蒙してきました。


 なお、本件の対応と『本当の日本の歴史 理論近現代史学Ⅱ』の対応との関係について、一部のメディアから問い合わせを頂いていますが、南京大虐殺や従軍慰安婦強制連行が捏造であったという歴史の真実を追究するこれまでの主張については、具体的な根拠を持った反論があれば参考にさせていただきますが、批判を受けたことを以って書籍の撤去することは考えておりません。本件はあくまで対談の中での一部の発言ということではあるものの、やや行き過ぎた表現があったことについてホームページの修正等必要な対応をしたもので、全く次元の異なるものであると考えます。


Comments on Certain Media


According to certain foreign media, it is reported that February issue of Apple Town magazine was removed from the guest room of the hotel due to criticized by the Jewish community that there were anti-Semitic expressions in “Big Talk” of February issue of Apple Town.

We make following comment for explanation.


First of all, the monthly magazine Apple Town was distributed at Franchised hotel of APA Hotel in America, and 6 Coast Hotel in Canada. The Apple Town February issue is no longer in our hotels in North America.


Our group CEO, Toshio Motoya, have been kept the strong relationships and dialogues with many people from Jewish community and from Israel over years. And he was once approached by one of his Jewish friend in United States to take part in a joint venture in 1984, where he learned about Discounted Cash Flow Method and the mechanism of Nonrecourse loan. With these knowledge, he successfully coped with the collapse of the bubble economy, and expanded the business of APA group using the Securitization scheme.


Additionally, he has been privileged to have held collegial discussions with former Israeli ambassadors and officials to Japan together with Japanese officials, which was introduced at Apple Town Magazine in the past. He also invited Israeli representatives to his private academy “Shoheijyuku”, to share lectures for Israeli standing to Japanese Students. Furthermore, he had opportunity to visit Israel personally in 2012 when he was invited by the former Israeli Ambassador to Japan. He was deeply impressed by the old ruin of Masada fortress which is the symbol of Israeli state’s founding. He has always respected the Jewish history and strong ethnic consciousness. For example, in his discussion with the Director General Mr. Noaz Bal Nir of the Israel Ministry of Tourism in Apple Town magazine in 2012, he made the comment that there were many things to learn from Israel.


The idea in his writing was to warn for Japanese, such as Japanese are lagging behind in any field at the world, while the Jewish people are demonstrating outstanding ability in the fields of information, finance and law. However, it caused the concern to Jewish people, and it may mislead as a racist. With this points, he wanted to amend excessive expression and delated the expression from the homepage.


We also had communicated to Jewish Community in Canada, and explained how he pay respects to Jewish people, and how he deeply regrets that it caused such distress and concern.


Additionally, we have received inquiries from some media about the relation between  correspondence of this case and “The Real History of Japan; Theoretical Modern HistoryⅡ”. We will refer if there is an objection with specific grounds to the previous argument about pursuing the truth of history that Nanjing massacre and military comfort women forcible carriage, however, we have no intention to withdraw this book from our guest rooms in Japan, no matter how many denounces may be made.


Although this case is a part of remarks in the dialogue, we had dealt with necessary correction of the homepage about the excessive expression, we think it is completely different case between them.